Senin, 09 November 2009

You know sound isolation systems?

Sound isolation systems was a property created specially for in ear headphones that musicians used during live performances to cancel out the sound of cheering and other outside noises so that they could concentrate on their own music and instruments. Along with MP3 players, these kind of headphones are becoming increasingly popular since music lovers would like to block background noise and enjoy a high quality music listening experience.

If you simply tell your building contractor in advance to reinforce your home's walls, you can pour purified, mold-free sand into its stud cavities and have inexpensive and highly effective sound isolation systems.

Pioneer produced one of the best product lines in car sound isolation audio industry with their Premier Series amplifiers. As early as 2005, Pioneer has made great advancements with the Premier Series in amplifier technology, characterized by their great power handling and efficiency. By the end of 2007, the Premier PRS Series could easily be considered a world-class amplifier, featuring sleek and compact design along with Pioneer's unique new pure-sound-generating technology.

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

Habbatussauda obat tradisional

Habbatussauda adalah salah satu obat tradisional yang mempunyai banyak khasiat bagi tubuh kita. Dimana obat tradisional menurut saya lebih baik dari pada obat-obatan kimia. Setahu saya obat-obatan tradisional terbuat dari bahan-bahan alami yang tidak membahayakan tubuh.

Obat tradisional sendiri saat ini sudah mulai banyak bermunculan di internet. Dan mereka sudah mempunyai toko online sendiri untuk menjajakan barang atau produk obat herbal mereka sendiri, sehingga pangsa pasar mereka bisa di kirim kemana saja di seluruh dunia.

Dengan penetrasi ke pemasaran internet otomatis bisa menambah daya jelajah pasar yang lebih luas lagi. Seperti halnya jasa desain grafis dan juga jasa bulk usb flash drives. Jasa mereka di pampang di website sehingga jasa mereka bisa di lihat oleh oran di belahan bumi manapun dan mereka dapat mudah mencari client baru dari mana saja :)

Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Agen kerudung

Untuk membuat suatu usaha sebenarnya tidak sesulit yang dipikirkan dan tidak juga dengan modal yang besar, seperti halnya contoh usaha menjadi agen kerudung yang mana untuk menjadi agen kerudung ini hanya perlu uang minimal 500rb untuk pembelian produk. Dengan pembelian 500rb ini si agen dapat potongan atau diskon sebesar 10%.

Nah dengan modal sekitar 500rb kita bisa membuka usaha, sistem penjualan kerudungnya mungkin bisa dijalankan secara door to door, membuka lapak di tempat keramaian, dan masih banyak lainnya.

Apabila agen kerudung melakukan pembelian 1jt maka diskon yang diterapkan lebih besar lagi yaitu sebesar 20%, apabila melakukan pembelian 2,5jt makan diskonya sebesar 25%. Jadi pembelanjaan semakin besar mak diskopun semakin besar juga.

Jadi sekarang jelas kan untuk membuka usaha atau cari peluang bisnis setidaknya tidak perlu punya tempat dan juga modal yang besar, hanya modal 500rb saja sudah bisa jadi pengusaha. Yuk.. ah kita jadi pengusaha untuk membuka lapangan pekerjaan di Indonesia :)

Rabu, 08 April 2009

Belajar Gimp Yuk!

Hayu ah kita belajar software design grafis gimp, program nya gratis ko ga perlu bayar alias free. Jadi ga perlu ada rajia atau takut dosa, sebab program ini memang gratis sehingga Insya Allah halal makainya karena bukan termasuk program bajakan.

Program gimp ini cocok buat siapa aja anak-anak, orang tua, kakek nenek, mahasiswa, graphic designer, tukang bangunan semua bisa menggunakan hehe... Program nya tinggal di download aja di sini.

Oh iya gimp juga rada sedikit mirip ama adobe loh cuman memang mesti belajar dari nol lagi nih, karena sedikit beda pas ngejalanin nya. Cocok juga nih gimp ini buat logo designer hehe.. jadi bisa dapet penghasilan Insya Allah halal karen tidak pakai bajakan cuy hihihi...

Untuk belajar bisa beli bukunya (kalo ada di toko buku) atau bisa juga nih di sini.

Gambar di ambil dari sini

Tutorial gimp buat para graphic designers

Bagi seoarang graphic designer pengguna gimp, rasanya rada sedikit susah cari tutorial gimp dalam bahasa indonesia. Salah satu tutorial gimp dalam bahasa indonesia yang saya dapat di sini.

Lumayan buat nambah-nambah ilmu gimp, semenjak beralih gimp bingung sekali karena sangat berbeda sekali dengan adobe photoshop. Apalagi bagi seorang graphic design yang sudah terbiasa dengan photoshop. Juga buat yang biasa website design dengan adobe juga pasti bingung banget.

Karena saya menggunakan gimp tidak terlalu sering, cuman kadang perlu aja sehingga mesti cari cara untuk memakai gimp. Walau memang tampilan gimp tidak berbeda jauh dengan adobe tapi pas penggunaan itu malah beda jauh sekali sehingga mesti adaptasi lagi.

Iseng-iseng cari lagi di google ternyata ada tempat belajar gimp yang lain :

gambar logo diambil dari sini

Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

Important Home Design Tips

Important Home Designs Tips
Executive Summary about Home by Kurt A. Schefken

There are many things that you need to bear in mind when planning a modern designed home.

The decisions made here about the design of the kitchen can make or break the design of the whole house. You should start by deciding whether you want an open plan kitchen, or a closed in design. Open plan is very useful if you like to talk to people while you are cooking.
Recessed lighting and track lighting are very popular forms of lighting for use in a modern kitchen. You might want to create a breakfast bar, or if you have a formal dining room this might be unnecessary.

The Living Room
It should be a fun and entertaining room. When you are planning this room decide whether you want to fit a built in entertainment centre or some shelving. If not then is there anywhere you can recess the TV into? You should carefully locate the windows so that you get enough light and air into the home as required. If you have a bay window then would you like to fit a seating unit?

Modern Home Design Tips
Executive Summary about Home by Adam Peters

As you begin the process of building a home, consider the modern home design features you will find there.

Within The Kitchen
In your modern home design, do consider the kitchen since it is the hub of the home many times. You can consider the many options you have, which may include track lighting as well as recessed lighting. These are commonly found in modern home design.

The Living Space
Depending on how you will use the living space within the home, for fun or entertainment, it is important to design for this need. If you plan to do hobbies, look for storage solutions for those hobbies specifically.

You can mount it on the wall as well as place it behind closed doors of an entertainment center. When planning your modern home design, think about windows, too.

Home Improvement Tips - Should You Renovate During a Recession?

Home Improvement Tips - Should You Renovate During a Recession?
Executive Summary about Home by Bob Current

Right now the economy is going through a recession. Home prices are down and unemployment is up. This has caused a lot of people to put off renovation work on their homes.

Contractors Are Looking For Work
Better Deals On Materials
Better Scheduling And Faster Work
Upgrading Your Home Will Help Maintain It's Value
The real estate market is getting hard hit right now
Interest Rates Are Down:
Once conditions turn around the pent up demand will cause rapidly raising prices for renovation work as more people plan their projects.

Exterior Home Improvement Tips
Executive Summary about Home by Aydan Corkern

If your home has suffered from a fire or a flood, you can do some remodeling on it. If you have a porch on your house or not, you can build one that wraps around the whole house. If there is a tree close to your house, cut the wood so that it will go around the tree. You can fix up the roof if it is getting old or if it needs it.

You can put shutters on your windows to match your roof, and this will also help keep your house cool or warm. When you put on shutters, it makes your house look better. You can put up a small fence or a tall fence, whichever fits your style. You can also look around other home improvement store to see which ones are cheaper in price. Another thing you can do is put up new siding around the house to replace the old ones or to cover the wood and make your house look better. This also protects your house as well so the wood will not get damaged.

Rabu, 18 Februari 2009

10 most expensive homes

Forbes has scoured the world again to find the most expensive homes in 2007. They are spread throughout all corners of the globe, including Turkey, France, and the United Kingdom, but the majority of the top ten is dominated with American mansions. A UK home takes the number one position on the list, but six of the top ten are American.

worlds most expensive home
1. $138 million Updown Court - Windlesham, Surrey - United Kingdom
The world's most expensive home is located in Surrey, UK and is listed with Hamptons International. The recently built house is a mix of the old and the new, with the luxury and sophistication of a grand English manor combined with all the modern day technologies. Hampton's International says "Updown Court dominates its formal setting amid 63 sprawling acres of landscaped grounds, formal gardens and woodland."

Being the world's most expensive home means you have to make a mega-wealthy buyer's jaw drop. The Surrey mansion should impress even the pickiest buyers, with its heated marble driveway, several ballrooms, grand entrance ways, parking for eight limousines, a cinema seating 50, helipads, and the obligatory panic room for emergencies.

Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz mansion
2. $135 million Hala Ranch - Aspen, Colorado - United States
The second most expensive home in the world is a 56,000 square foot ranch owned by Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz with sixteen bathrooms and fifteen bedrooms. The Aspen home is being sold by Christie's Great Estates and has an "indoor pool, a steam room, an exercise room, a regulation-size indoor racquetball court, a tennis court, a fishing pond, cross-country ski trails, and an enormous firepit. For the equestrian, superb facilities are provided by a heated haybarn and a heated stable."

Donald Trump Florida mansion
3. $125 million Maison de L'Amitie - Palm Beach, Florida - United States
When one thinks of excess luxury and real estate, the first name that often comes to mind is Donald Trump. So it shouldn't be a surprise to see the Donald on the list of the most expensive homes in the world. The New York billionaire brought the Florida mansion a few years ago at a bankruptcy auction for a little over $40 million. After giving the mansion a Trump makeover, the real estate entrepreneur has put a firm $125 million price tag on it.

Tranquility - Lake Tahoe, Nevada
4. $100 million Tranquility - Lake Tahoe, Nevada - United States
The cofounder of Tommy Hilfiger, Joel Horowitz is selling his 210 acre property located on the tax free side of Lake Tahoe. Luxuries include a wine cellar that holds at least 3,500 bottles of fine wine, a giant indoor pool, and a cinema that seats nineteen. Chase International is selling the Lake Tahoe mansion.

most expensive turkish home
5. $100 million - Waterfront Estate - Istanbul, Turkey
The most expensive Turkish home is situated on the beautiful Bosphorus in Istanbul. The Turkish mansion has 64 rooms that all ooze luxury and opulence. A sultan would feel at home in this Istanbul home that is being sold by Luici Real Estate Agency.

6. $99 million - Bishops Avenue - Hampstead, London
The sixth most expensive house in the world also has a Turkish connection, even though it is actually located in London. Halis Toprak is a Turkish businessman that created the Toprak Mansion which is selling for around $99 million. Toprak filled his 28,000 square foot mansion's every room with luxury. A Turkish sultan would not look out of place in the Turkish bath that has room for twenty people. Glentree Estates is selling the house.

hamptons mansion
7. $75 million - Three Ponds - Bridgehampton, N.Y. - United States
The rich use the Hamptons in New York as their playground, so it should come as no surprise to see a $75 million Hamptons estate on the most expensive homes list. Three Ponds gives you 60 precious acres of Hamptons land and a USGA rated Rees Jones golf course that you invite your friends around to. See Corcoran real estate if you are planning a move to the Hamptons life.

most expensive californian home
8. $75 million - The Portabello Estate - Corona del Mar, California - United States
The 30,000 square foot modern masterpiece was built in 2002 and is being sold by Coldwell Banker. The ocean views, eight bedrooms, and ten bathrooms are part of the reason for the price on this home.

The Pierre Penthouse
9. $70 million - The Pierre Penthouse - New York, N.Y. - United States
If you are very wealthy, but don't like mowing lawns, perhaps 3 floors of luxury overlooking Central Park is for you. Christie's Great Estates describes the NY mansion like this; "Since its completion in 1920, The Pierre has been recognized worldwide as the ultimate address for affluent visitors to New York. Rising forty-three stories above Central Park, the building has remained a grand hotel in every sense.. where gilded finery, antique treasures, discreet white-glove service, and impeccable taste have always been de rigueur."

most expensive french home
10. $65 million - Cap Ferrat - Cote d’Azur, France
A French mansion takes the tenth position on the most expensive homes in the world list. One could easily get lost in the richly decorated nineteen bedrooms, twenty-one bathrooms, and ten reception rooms. Views of the ocean, Beaulieu and Monaco also add to the price of the most expensive French mansion in 2007. The good people at Knight Frank should be able to help with sales inquiries.

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